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Careers Education

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Careers education and guidance is developed through assemblies, tutor time activities, educational visits, provider visits to the school, parent/carer events and the Personal Social and Health Education (PHSE) programme.

At Prendergast School, we are committed to provide ‘Outstanding’ CEIAG for all students. We recognise that an overwhelming majority of our parents and students place great emphasis on accessing Higher Education and we will continue to meet that need. The school’s Core Values underpin the work of the Careers Department. All students are able to achieve but can only fulfil their potential if they understand themselves, their abilities and the possibilities available.

The school follows the 2014 Gatsby Benchmarks for good careers guidance. The benchmarks are as follows:

Benchmark 1: A stable careers programme
Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information (LMI)
Benchmark 3: Addressing the needs of each pupil
Benchmark 4: Linking Curriculum learning to careers
Benchmark 5: Encounters with employers and employees
Benchmark 6: Experience of workplaces
Benchmark 7: Encounters with further and higher education
Benchmark 8: Personal Guidance

Head of Careers: Mr D Veldtman 
Contact: Statement on Provider Access
See the Statement on Provider Access contained in the Careers Statment below which sets out the school's arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school.

Virtual Careers opportunities

Virtual Careers Information All Key Stages

Attend the Virtual Careers Fair each day, where you can "meet" employers and find out about the careers they offer

3D Skills Express Game – KS3-KS4

KS3-KS4: Play the 3D Skills Express Games to explore what employability skills are and how you can develop them at school and at home. Skills games include: 'Who wants to be an Entrepreneur?', 'The Perfect Employee' and 'Skills Karting'.

Top 10 Skills – KS4-KS5

KS4-KS5: Find out about the top ten skills that will get you a job when you leave school and how to talk about these confidently in job/university applications. Use half-term to write down examples of where you have developed each skill during your studies - this will be invaluable and  save you time when completing future application forms!

GCSE and A-Level Options

When deciding which subjects to study at GCSE and A Level, it is important that you do your research as some careers will require you to gain specific qualifications. There are a number of sources of advice available:

Work Experience

Own Find Form

Please click here for the year 10 work experience 'own find' form.

Creating your all important CV

See the link below for some valuable advice on how to build the perfect CV


What is an apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships allow you to combine work and study by mixing on-the-job training with classroom learning. You'll be employed to do a real job while studying for a formal qualification, usually for one day a week either at a college or a training centre. By the end of your apprenticeship, you'll hopefully have gained the skills and knowledge needed to either succeed in your chosen career or progress onto the next apprenticeship level.

Apprenticeship Levels

Apprenticeships have equivalent educational levels.

Name Level Equivalent education level
Intermediate 2 GCSE
Advanced 3 A Level
Higher 4,5,6 and 7 Foundation degree and above
Degree 6 and 7 Bachelor’s or master’s degree

Useful websites:

Search for apprenticeships:

Information for parents and students:

Local apprenticeships:

Not going to Uni:

To help parents and students navigate the fast-changing world of apprenticeships.


Are you an employer looking to work with a school?  Then we are looking for you!

We are keen to work with employers who can pass on the benefit of their skills, experience and expertise.  Our careers events require volunteers for everything from session facilitators to speakers, interviewers and stall holders at our careers fair.

If you would like to find out more, please contact:

Ms E Grant (

Labour Market Information

Labour market information (LMI) may help students and their parents understand the job market and find out which careers, different qualifications can lead to.  We strongly advise students to look through the resources below before making GCSE and A Level option choices. 

Students have been encouraged to complete the careers software that the school subscribes to, by asking a number of questions, the software guides the students to research a variety of suitable careers.  It would be useful if students spent time reviewing the software results with parents to ensure they maximise the benefits.

For more information on Labour Market Information click here.

For more information on Fast Tomato click here.


Welcome to the Careerometer - the tool that lets you compare the average wages and working hours of up to three jobs in England.

The widget can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations to support the process of identifying potential careers. The Careerometer widget provides access to a selection of headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects. The data are organised by occupation: simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you.