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The mathematics curriculum is centred around the six principles of the mastery approach to learning mathematics: variety, fluency, coherence, mathematical thinking, representation, and problem solving. The curriculum is designed to develop strong foundational knowledge and to strive for equality for all. It is flexible to meet the needs of all learners in a way that is challenging, focused and inclusive for all.

Through our curriculum our students will develop and retain factual knowledge, procedural fluency, and conceptual understanding across the five main branches of mathematics; Number, Ratio and Proportion, Algebra, Geometry and Statistics and Probability and understand that all these branches are interlinked.

Students at Prendergast school will develop mathematical thinking and become resilient, confident, and independent learners. They will experience the enjoyment of discovering mathematical relationships and develop a love and curiosity for the subject.

Our mathematics curriculum allows them to explicitly develop and learn strategies for problem solving, including the ability to apply these techniques to unfamiliar problems by breaking them into smaller steps and applying the fundamentals.

Ou students have the highest expectations of themselves regardless of their starting point, and our curriculum inspires them to achieve their best and develop strategies to combat any underlying maths anxieties.

Our students have the opportunity to develop as mathematically literate citizens who learn and think creatively and critically. They have the knowledge and skills to be successful in the ever-changing modern world. They can use mathematical concepts to form conjectures about patterns and subsequently seek generalisations where necessary. They understand mathematical proof and how to use the correct mathematical vocabulary to articulate and justify their reasoning in a sound mathematical way.

The Mathematics curriculum intent aims to equip students with a broad range of mathematical skills to be successful in an increasingly competitive workplace by inspiring students to be enthusiastic about the patterns and trends in the world around them.