Communication with Parents and Parent Association

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Prendergast School welcomes parents and carers working in partnership with staff in the interests of their child's/ward’s education. 

Some Key Contacts

General enquiries may be made to the administration team. This email address may also be used if you have a complaint:

  • Learning Support/SENCO - Ms Clare Borrill
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead and designated teacher for Looked After Children - Ms Clare Borrill

If you would like these staff members to get in contact with you, please phone or email the school.

School Calendar

Please click to view our school calendar.

ParentMail and Payments


Attention all parents! Communicating with you is an important part of what we do, making sure you get the correct information about activities, events and school news. 

As you know, the school uses ParentMail.  Our aim is that all parents will sign up to ParentMail.  Please see below for full information.

Log in

To log in to your ParentMail & Payments feed click here.

Once you are connected with ParentMail, you can also use the ParentMail button at the top of our website to access ParentMail online with one click. 

Help Site

For help with your ParentMail account click here.

Information about On-line Payments

We’re using +Pay on ParentMail – an online payment service which allows you to pay for school items on your smartphone, tablets or computer, or on the free parent App.

We will inform you about items you need to pay through ParentMail, and you will be able to pay electronically, with money transferred directly into the school bank account – it’s all very easy, safe and secure. ParentMail doesn’t store credit or debit card details and works in the same way as other large retailers who accept online payments.

Don’t forget the ParentMail App!

If you have an Android or Apple smartphone, we would highly recommend you download the free ParentMail App so that you can make easy, online payments on the go. To do this, simply search for “ParentMail” in your App store.


The Friends of Prendergast School Association (FOPSA) supports both academic learning and the wider life experiences of students at Prendergast and is a point of contact and information sharing for parents. It is a parent-led charity and all parents/carers of students at Prendergast School are members. Attendance at our social events is an enjoyable way of contributing to the life of the school and of getting to know other members of the Prendergast Community.

FOPSA primarily organises fundraising events involving students, teachers and parents, to pay for resources and activities that can’t be covered by the general school budget. Our major events include the parent and teacher quiz night, the Christmas Fair, cake stalls, MUFTI days and a film night. Over the past two years, FOPSA has contributed to the year 7, year 8 and year 9 trips and paid for iPads for the Geography and Media departments, a printer for the Textiles department, data processing equipment for the Science department and an acoustic sound booth for the Music department drum room.

FOPSA holds a one-hour meeting every half-term, an AGM in March and a social night out in the summer term.  If you can’t come to evening meetings, please support us by volunteering at events. Contact to receive regular updates.

The Friends of Prendergast School aim to bring together parents / carers at events and encourage engagement with the School. We hope you’ll be able to help us to organise this year’s fair. All monies raised go towards additional resources for the students.

and finally...setting up WhatsApp Groups for Every Form
Is there a Parent/Carer WhatsApp Group for your daughter/ward’s Form?
Would you like there to be?
Many Prendergast parents/carers use WhatsApp groups as social hubs and to share information.
If you administrate a class parent/carer WhatsApp group, please let us know by emailing us at With your permission we will share your email or phone number with any parents and carers who would like to be on the WhatsApp group, so that they can join in.
If there is not a form parent/carer WhatsApp group but you would like there to be, please email us at and tell us which class your daughter/ward is in and we will help connect you up with the appropriate person.
(In accordance with GDPR rules we will not share your details without your permission.)

Friends of Prendergast School